Friday, March 7, 2008

Innovation at its BEST!!

What can be the most innovative use of a mineral water bottle ?? Any guesses ? Ohh no , don't say that it can be used as a flower pot. Think out of the box ;-)

Yesterday evening , I was in office when I got the call from my husband. He and Aryan got locked outside our house. They came out for a second and the door got locked somehow. We did not know what to do. It was our bad luck that once in my lifetime , even I did not have the duplicate key.To add to this , Aryan is not well these days and had slight fever. Car keys were also inside.

We requested the apartment care taker to get some help. After an hour he got someone , who asked us to arrange for an empty mineral water/ cold drink bottle and a scissors. "Is he nuts ?" is what I thought. But then he was our only hope then and so we did what he said. He told us , he is trying to save our 1500 Rs lock , which he will have to break otherwise. "HUH"..With Aryan not well and cranky and we outside the house for more than one hour , I was even thinking of breaking the door and windows and he was talking of lock.

Anyways, within 5 minutes the door was opened. And the lock was saved. All because of the mineral water bottle and the guy ofcourse. He cut opened the bottle and slid it inside and did something for 2-3 minutes and THATS IT :-)

So now you know the answer :-)

Editted to Add : Hey Everyone , Hang idea was not to scare anyone out there. The lock is pretty safe and even the guy said so. He said , he was able to open the lock , since it got latched on its own , without the key being used. So it was only first level security , a spring latch from inside. He said its impossible to open this one if you loose your key and it can only be broken. It has a computerized key and its not possible to make a duplicate without scanning the original key.

This post was triggered , since I was amused by the innovative use of a waste bottle and by the fact that sometimes simple things help in big troubles.


~nm said...

hahha..truly an innovation at its BEST!! You didn't mention how much were you fleeced for the 2-3 min trick. :D

Anonymous said...

Just thinking, is it really safe to put locks at our doors if it is as simple as two minutes trick to open them.....

Solitaire said...

Dangerous, isnt it?

Aryan-Arjun said...

Hmm..Hope Aryan is feeling good..But tis trick is dangerous..

Anonymous said...

Oh my God,is it so easy to break open a door!!! Thanks for the info.I am sure the thieves and robbers already know about this :) Hope Aryan is well now.