Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sweet Unexpected Prizes

Last week was a Health week in our company. As part of that there was an online health quiz. So , I don't think I am a health concious person , but I just attemped for time pass. To my surprise , I was one among the winner. But wait ...so what, there were sixteen other winners too..heheh..they declared everyone who passed in first division as winners and I just made it. But still it was a sweet surprise and also made me feel happy that I am in top 17 among the 300 who attempted the quiz , when we consider the knowledge about health ...well, not about if we apply that knowledge :P

And the prize ..now thats also not something to feel great about ..a water bottle that's used by gymmers and joggers with a logo and a caption "Stay Fit" ..but then a prize is a prize ..right ?


Pixie said...

Congratulations on the prize!! and yes, a prize is a prize! :-)

~nm said...

Of course! A prize is a prize! Just being a winner is a prize in itself :)
