Monday, July 23, 2007

Judgemental ..oh yes !

Tagged. Am I judgemental ? Ohh yes I judge people over a lot of things and I am quite an intutive person.So I decide so many things based on my intutions and my judgement.

1. I judge people from their Eyes and Smiles ..I feel eyes and smiles can hardly lie. AND I have a good success record on this one.I get negatively judgemental about people who wear an artificial smile all the time.
2. I judge people by the tone of their voice and sometimes by the choice of their words too.
3. I am judgemental about the females who crib about their familes(Husbands/MIL/DIL or whoever) to anyone and everyone.
4. I am judgemental about people who are always praising everyone around and that too after drinking some syrupy one can be soo shweet 24/7. And one of them is my BOSS :)
5. I am judgemental about the guys who envy their female colleagues for they finish their work in time and are hardly seen in office after working hours.
6. I am judgemental about colleagues who always say that they are too busy for a coffee / lunch.
7. I am judgemental about people who can never reach anywhere in time. Ohh, you need not be punchual always , but once in a while please ..:)
8. I was judgemental about my friends in college who would study day and night and yet would complain about no prepartion.
9. I get judgemental about people who are always complaining about something or the other.
10.I get judgemental about people who talk too much and more about those who talk about only them and theirs.

Well , thats my list and I don't think I am unreasonale you think so ? So lets have a list from a few more , I tag Sunita, utbt , Asha and Trishna.


WhatsInAName said...

Have seen lots of type 5 you mentioned. I get irked by them too.

Agree about the complaining sorts too!

Just Like That said...

Not unreasonable at all, esp with 5, 8, 9....;-)

Sunita Venkatachalam said...

I'm with you on most of these ! Esp # 4, #8 heh heh

Usha said...

Oh yes the syrupy sugary ones - I am wary of them too.

MG said...

Picked up ur tag on indian writers... Will post asap :-)
Thanks bhabhi!!

Swati said...

WIAN:I give a piece of my mind to no 5 times and I pity on the complaining kinds.

Thanks JLT.

Poppin,Usha: Thanks. No 4 kinds really sucks.

Manasi : Waiting to read from you.

Trishna said...

Thanx for the tag Swati..i have been tagged for this thing 3 times..will write soon!
And nooooooooo you are not unreasonable!