Monday, December 31, 2007

Milestone Month !!

I don't usually write updates. It just don't click to me. But DECEMBER was the MILESTONE month for Aryan. So "update toh banta hai bhaiya" ..:D

And why do I say so ?

1.My little Aryan walks now. Though he is still to discover that walking is better than crawling. To him , walking is still a game. But he does !!!! And he should see that acheivement on his face !!!!This was something which was on my mind since so long and its such a relief now.

2.Remember the fight we had over his feeding bottles in the month of August. We have compromised on a sipper. They always win you see but I did not loose this time.

3. He keeps learning and forgeting words. So now that he has forgotten to say "Nahi" , he has learnt to say "Bow Bow"

4. He has recently started loving books and he likes to spend some time with his favourite animal book every day.

4. He knows his 'nosy' and his 'tummy' and he can show you as well.


Guruprasad said...

congrats on aryan taking his first steps... i read your earlier post and i can imagine it must be such a big relief and happy moment for you!

i think all of us as parents keep having a lot of these fears which we try to be brave about. but i think voicing it the way you do makes a lot of sense.

in our case too, our daughter (she's the younger one) started talking much later than her brother and she was not half as expressive as he was. it did nag us for some time. we went through all that you mentioned. but today she manages very well for herself. its a pleasure hearing her sing and chant and speak today!

i can see that you too are moving into that phase now with aryan :-)

~nm said...

Wonderful to hear such progress of Aryan! I won't say "See I told you so!" Hahahaha.....

But to forewarn you, now that he has started walking be ready for things you never expected! Soon it will look like a tornado hit your house! :D

Lots of love and hugs to him!

Aryan-Arjun said...

Oh my chubby aryan..Don't forget words dear...
Aryan's Mom